Dissemination will be systematic and follow implementation of the project the allocated budget is sufficient to implement the plan and channel it through specified dissemination routes.
The implementation of the different activities of the project will be achieved through the following routes:

(1) Establishing Project website
(2) Free Educational Portal
(3) Preparing Dissemination material (Media, banners, flyers)
(4) Organizing Seminars and workshops
(5) Organizing Final Seminars​

University de Girona (UdG)

Task 7.1Project Website
Task 7.2: Free Educational Portal
Task 7.3: Dissemination  Material
Task 7.4: Seminars And Workshops

Task 7.5: Final Seminar



DISCLAIMER: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact Details

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh,
The University of Jordan, Jordanrsity of Jordan, Jordan

Email: salaymeh@ju.edu.jo
Website: www.ju.edu.jo