Analysis and
Identification of different entities
As a fulfilment to the Task 2.1: Analysis and identification of different entities from Work Package (2): Baseline Study, a two questionnaires were prepared, targeting the faculty members and student from all disciplines at eight partners universities in Jordan and Palestine including The University of Jordan, The Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), The Hashemite University, Al-Zaytoonah University, Birzeit University, Palestine Polytechnic University, An-Najah National University, and Bethlehem University it outlines the most needed skills to be trained on.
The surveys aims to identify the needs in capacity building, infrastructure, human resources for utilizing best practices in ICT in learning process at JO and PS universities . Moreover; it will help in summarizing the challenges in utilising the best practices in ICT in education. Furthermore; it will formulates recommendations to be adopted throughout the project duration. The survey outlines recommendations to achieve the best implementation of METHODS project.
An assessment process that serves as a diagnostic tool for determining what training needs to take place. This survey gathers data to determine what training needs to be developed to help individuals and the organization accomplish their goals and objectives. This is an assessment that looks at the students and faculty members, to identify any gaps or areas of need. Identifying the training needs lead to determine and develop the objectives that have to be accomplished by the training. These objectives will form criteria for measures of success and utility.
The Faculty Members’ questionnaire (see below) consists of about 24 questions in total, and is structured into three distinct sections:
Section I: Faculty members profile (Q1-Q6). The questions aim is to draw some demographic information about participants’ profile (University Name, Age, Faculty Rank, Teaching background, and Major).
Section II: Faculty members experience in utilizing ICT in education (Q7-Q11).
Section III: Specifically for a segment of the respondents, namely, "Faculty non-users" of ICT in education. This section studies the willingness of these non-user to become users of the technology, it studies the factors that deterred them from the effective use of ICT in education and highlights the need for training. (Q13-Q16).
Section IV: This section deals with all respondents again and it studies the incentives for the faculty to utilize the ICT in education and also the main barriers fro utilizing ICT. This section includes the largest number of qualitative questions to try to take the input from respondents in ways that the developer of the survey had not taken into accounts. (Q17-Q24)
On the other hand, the students’ questionnaire (see below) consists of about 29 questions in total and is structured into two distinct sections:
Section I: Student profile (Q1-Q3). The questions aim is to draw participants’ profile (University Name, Age, and Major).
Section II: Student experience in ICT, evaluation of applied ICT in their universities, and review about ICT (Q3-Q29). This section includes some essay, rating and Yes/No questions. The aim of the section is to explore the reviews of student about applying ICT.