About The Project

Main Goal

 The main goal of METHODS project is to raise the competencies of individual learners to become active members of the knowledge society by enhancing the learning process of students and acquiring 21st Century competencies to become autonomous and active learners.


 The project aims at improving the quality of teaching and learning at the PC universities through incorporating technological tools in consistence with pedagogical best practices and by building the capacity of the universities to evaluate, develop and design e-curricula to be available on an open accessible portal. To achieve this objective, the project will support establishing a national Centre in both Jordan (in UJ) and Palestine (in BZU) to be as a hub for utilizing best practices in ICT in education in both PCs. These Centres will facilitate establishing diverse clusters (pool of staff members from target discipline in Engineering and science faculty with multimedia and educational specialists interested in a certain discipline) from PC universities where an educational specialists  will review the proposed learning material in order to ensure compatibility with the standards; and  multimedia designers who will design the interfaces, activities, presentation, layout and animation included in the e-curricula.​​​​​

Type: Erasmus+ Programme (Capacity-Building projects in the field of Higher Education (E+CBHE))
Grant Holder: The University of Jordan
Budget: 990,590.00 Euros
Duration: 3 Years
Start Date: 15 October 2015 to 14 October 2018                                         Subject Area: E-Learning​


DISCLAIMER: This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Contact Details

Prof. Ahmed Al-Salaymeh,
The University of Jordan, Jordanrsity of Jordan, Jordan

Email: salaymeh@ju.edu.jo
Website: www.ju.edu.jo